#DidYouKnow that for the past few months, we have been showing off our civil knowledge with some of R&R’s talented engineering team? Civil engineers play a major role in shaping the outside world and built environment from road signs to road sections, from water towers to detention ponds, and from preserving Clear Creek to saving plant lives. In case you missed our video series campaign last year, we put them below for your viewing convenience so you too can see the value that civil engineers bring to the world around us. #justlookatit.

Trevor Smith, one of our design engineers, kicked off the campaign with his video highlighting the ever-changing rules of the road and the signs that should be directing traffic, but often are not always updated as they should be.

Jenny Marks, another talented design engineer with R&R, found inspiration for her video topic when she noticed the preservation measures taken during her runs along Clear Creek in Golden, CO.

Darvin Wilson, PE one of our team’s project managers, explained the importance of erosion control and the measures that should be taken to ensure the natural environment stays protected.

Design engineer, Jenna Perdue, focused on ADA compliance, a topic easily overlooked by some but for others can be problematic, and even dangerous, to their day-to-day life if not designed correctly.

Assistant Project Manager, Liz Jones, PE, provided fun civil facts about the inner workings of water towers including their very important working relationship with gravity.

Lynn O’Grady used her design engineering experience with detention ponds as her topic, explaining the importance of proper drainage in and around concrete jungles such as Denver.

Senior Project Manager, Rob Devenney, PE, followed up Lynn’s video by providing visual representations of how street drainage works and where the water goes once it hits the inlets.

Design Engineer, Sloan Bell, does a fantastic job detailing the different features of road sections from rural areas to the neighborhood streets you may call home.

Bringing us back around full circle, Trevor Smith makes another appearance to inform property owners that there are likely sections of their property that require access to third parties.

Finally, the only proper way to end a series of videos created to inform the masses of the impact of civil engineering while also showcasing the unique, creative, and yes, fun personalities of the engineers behind these designs was with a blooper reel!



